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How Historically Accurate is the Outlaw King

241 bytes added, 16:21, 22 November 2018
The <i>Outlaw King</i> does a much better job than <i>Braveheart</i> in depicting events that led to the Scottish rebellions that ultimately led to their Scottish independence. The significance of Robert the Bruce is not only did he lead Scotland to independence but through his line they eventually merge with the English kings to become the ancestors of the current British monarch. Robert the Bruce, both his ambition and bravery, were critical to the ultimate success against the English. The key events between the 1290s and 1307, the first major victory against the English, are sometimes glossed over or not displayed to full accuracy. However, the rise of Robert the Bruce in the film does show the difficult political landscape that Robert had to navigate in his rise to power and ultimately obtain the Scottish crownfor himself and family.

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