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What is the history of vaccinations

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The Earliest Vaccines
==The Earliest Vaccines==
There is some potential evidence of early attempts at vaccinations in the Near East and China in the early Medieval period. In fact, people who survived disease such as smallpox were often asked to treat those afflicted, as people noticed that once you caught an infectious disease often it did not return. Early vaccination attempts mainly involved giving the infected individual small amounts of the disease. The method of variolation was widely practiced in the Ottoman court and, in fact, Western travelers in the 18th century noticed this practice of transferring small amounts of an infected area to another individual in the hopes it creates immunity. This included attempts to inoculate for smallpox. Additionally, in Asia there are reports of monks and individuals who would swallow snake venom to create a form of inoculation. However, in the West, the history of vaccinations mainly begins with Edward Jenner in 1798, an English physician, who took Variolae vaccinae (cowpox) and used that to inoculate a 13-year old boy from smallpox. This is often seen as a watershed moment in the West, as it begins the long history of vaccinations and, in fact, this single event is often credited with saving more humans than any other action, given the countless other vaccinations and subsequent generations this initial round of vaccinations saved. The term vaccinations, in fact, derives from the virus that causes smallpox, given the importance of that disease in the history of vaccinations. Among all diseases, smallpox represents the longest history of attempted vaccinations, with the disease mostly eradicated by 1979, nearly 200 years after the first vaccination.
==Later Developments==

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