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====[[Nature's Path: Interview with Susan E. Cayleff]]====
At the very end of the 19th Century, a new system called naturopathy was created by Benedict and Louisa Stroebel Lust. Unlike many of the 19th Century medical systems created, naturopathy has persevered to this day. Naturopathic healing was founded and based on number of influences including botanics, hydrotherapy, eclecticism, temperance and vegetarianism. {{Read more|Nature's Path: Interview with Susan E. Cayleff}}
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====[[Engineering Victory during the Civil War: Interview with Thomas F. Army, Jr.]]====
Logistics win wars. Logistics is the coordination of complex operations such as moving, housing and supplying troops and their equipment. War is the ultimate test of any logistician. During the Civil War, the Union troops fought almost the entire war in the South. Thomas F. Army, Jr. argues in his new book Engineering Victory: How Technology Won the Civil War published by Johns Hopkins University Press that the Union's engineering prowess during Civil War gave it an distinct advantage over the Confederacy.{{Read more|Engineering Victory during the Civil War: Interview with Thomas F. Army, Jr.}}

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