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How Historically Accurate Is The King

43 bytes added, 12:20, 7 November 2019
Near the end of Henry IV's reign, around 1413, the English kingdom is beset with rebellions in Wales and troubles with the Scots. Henry, called Hal, is away from the king, where the relationship between father and son are tense. The king is sick but he increasingly sees his younger son, Thomas, as the likely successor to the throne. Henry Percy, and the Percy family, is initially an important noble family supporting the king. However, they soon rebel and join the Welsh against the king. The king sends his son, Thomas, to deal with Percy, but Henry, having learned his father would not choose him as successor, went to support his brother in Wales. Henry provoked Percy into single combat and eventually Henry was successful and killed Percy. His brother was not satisfied by this and decided to pursue the battle against the Welsh anyway. However, he was killed in the process. This then made Henry the likely successor and Henry IV realised this as he lay dying.
Henry V is now king and he determines to rule in a way that is different from his father, choosing to unit England and its various key households and lands. During the feast to honor the new king, the Dauphin of France sends an insulting gift of a child's ball, which is interpreted to be an insult regarding the age and maturity of the king. Soon after, an assassin is found who is supposedly sent by Charles VI, the King of France. This is interpreted as a threat to the king and Henry decides to embark on war against France, effectively resuming the 100 One Hundred Year War. The Chief Justice, William Gascoigne, strongly encourages war and two nobles, The Earl of Cambridge and Thomas Grey, having conspired against the king are executed. Henry soon sets sail to France with his army. They are quickly successful in taking a fortress town Harfleur in the Normandy coast. The Dauphin of France, meanwhile, seeks revenge and begins to assemble his army against the English king and his invading forces.
The English army, as it advances, notices now that the French army assembled against them is much larger. The night before battle, Falstaff, a trusted friend to the king, advises to feign a small attack, drawing the French army in towards them, and then surrounding them as the rest of the English army hides in nearby woods and then they could also hit them hard with their long bows. The next day, the king offers to fight the Dauphin in single combat to end hostilities; he refuses and the battle commences. The plan devised works well and the English resoundingly defeat the French at the Battle of Agincourt, although Falstaff is killed. The Dauphin does offer to fight the English king, but is easily defeated and captured. Now the path is clear to Paris, but at this point Charles VI effectively surrenders and offers his daughter Catherine to the king. This ends hostilities but the king Henry eventually learns from his new wife that Gascoigne had manipulated the king into launching the war against France, as no conspirators were actually sent by the French king. Henry then kills Gascoigne. The king is then celebrated by his people as he takes the hand of his wife, celebrating the fact he has now united his kingdomand is victorious.

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