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[[File: Armada 32.jpg|150px390px|thumbnail|left|King Phillip II of Spain-mortal enemy English fireships attacking Spanish vessels at the Battle of Elizabeth IGrevellines]] The defeat and destruction of the Spanish Armada (in 1588 is are seen by many as the high point of Elizabeth I’s of England’s reign. If the Armada had been successful then , it could have changed the course of English and indeed, world history. The defeat of the Armada was to have had profound consequences for England. The first consequence of the English victory was that it secured its independence.  With the defeat of the independence Armada, England becomes a serious European naval power. Britain's navy was the foundation of the future British Empire. As a result of the failed invasion by Catholic Spain, England became more self-consciously Protestant, and Catholicism became increasingly unpopular and was viewed as anti-English. The English also saw the defeat of the Armada as an act of divine providence. It confirmed to them that England was a kingdomdestined for greatness.
The defeat of == Why did Spain send the Spanish Armada led to invade England becoming a naval power ? ==[[File: Armada 3.jpg|150px|thumbnail|left|King Phillip II of Spain-mortal enemy of Elizabeth I]]In the sixteenth century, Europe was divided into two mutually hostile religious groups. Protestants' regimes dominated northern Europe, and this the south was mainly Catholic. England had become an increasing Protestant state in the mid-sixteenth century. Contrary to prove important popular belief, Catholicism had been popular in England before the Reformation, and many people still sympathized with what they called the foundation ‘old religion.’<ref> Duffy, E. <i>[ Stripping of the future British EmpireAltars]</i> (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 113</ref> As Queen Elizabeth the First initially pursued a result of the failed invasion, by moderate religious policy to minimize religious conflict between Catholic Spain, England became more self-consciously and Protestant and. However, Catholicism became very unpopular and seen as antiElizabeth soon found herself under pressure from Spain -Englishthe preeminent Catholic power in the world. The defeat of the Armada was an act of divine providence Spain's influence reaches stretched across Europe and it confirmed into the opinion of many that England was a kingdom destined for greatness and this was to play a very important role in English national identity for many centuriesAmericas.
The Spanish King Phillip II was an ardent Catholic, and he had two primary ambitions. First, he wanted to return all Protestants to the Catholic faith. Second, he hoped to expand the growing power of Spain. The Spanish King had been married to Mary I of England, and it seemed that England would fall under Spanish influence for a time. However, Elizabeth I's coronation had fundamentally altered this dynamic because she was determined to maintain England's independence from Spain. On the other hand, Spain wanted to force the English back into the Catholic fold and end the English pirates' attacks on their ships and colonies in the Americas.
Elizabeth, I had encouraged English privateers, such as Sir Francis Drake, to mount attacks on Spanish targets. Elizabeth sought to limit Spain's power and secure some of the riches ‘of the american colonies for her subjects.’<ref> Holmes, Richard. <i>[ The Oxford Companion to Military History]</i> (Oxford, Oxford University Press. 2001), p. 214</ref> The English Queen also supported the Dutch in their revolt against Phillip II. Relations between Spain and England deteriorated rapidly, and by the mid-1580s, the two countries were in an undeclared war. A war that was to last until the end of Elizabeth’s reign. Spain was the richest and the most powerful Empire in Europe, and Phillip decided to invade England. He believed that it would help him secure many of Europe's strategic objectives if he were successful. The Spanish presented the Armada as a Catholic crusade, and the Papacy partially funded it.
===Background=How did England defeat the Spanish Armada? ==In the sixteenth century, Europe was divided into two mutually hostile religious groups[[File: Armada 4. The North jpg|350px|thumbnail|left| A contemporary painting of Europe was dominated by Protestantism and the south was mainly Catholic. England Armada]]The Armada launch had become been delayed several times, including once because of a Protestant realm raid by the mid-sixteenth century, but this English on Cadiz. The Spanish Armada was opposed by many Catholics. Contrary to popular beliefa fleet of 130 ships, Catholicism had been popular and it first left the port of Coruna in England before August 1588, under the Reformation and many people still sympathized with what they called Duke of Medina Sidonia, the ‘old religionmost powerful noble in Spain.<ref> DuffyHolmes, Ep. 215<i>[ Stripping of > The fleet was ordered to sail to the Altars]</i> (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000), pEnglish Channel and transport a large army in Flanders into England. 113</ref> Queen The invasion aimed to depose Elizabeth, I initially pursued a moderate religious policy and to minimize religious conflict between Catholic reimpose Catholicism on the English people. The fleet was impressive, and the Spanish were experienced, sailors and Protestantnavigators. However, Elizabeth soon found herself under pressure from the great Catholic power of the timecommander Medina-Sidonia was old and relatively inexperienced, Spain. It was the dominant Catholic power in Europe because of its vast territories in Europe and he committed mistake after mistake throughout the Americascampaign.
Despite its numerical advantage, the Spanish fleet did not attack the English fleet based at Portsmouth and instead sailed to Calais. The Spanish King Phillip II army under the Duke of Parma was an ardent Catholic advancing to Calais to be transported to England. However, the English navy under Drake and he had two ambitionsHoward attacked the Armada with fireships, and this was the first was to return start of what became known as the Protestants to Battle of Grave lines. The English tactic of using fire-ships created panic among the Catholic faith Spaniards, and to expand the power fleet was broken up into small groups of Spainships. The Spanish King had been married battle lasted over a week, with both sides launching attacks. However, Medina-Sidonia decided to Mary I of England and withdraw. This decision was decisive as it seemed meant that for a time that England would become part of the Spanish dominionsarmy could not rendezvous with the invasion army. However, Drake and the other English commanders were happy to let the coronation of Elizabeth I had changed all of this and she was determined on a policy of independence Armada sail away from Spainthe invasion force. Spain wanted to force A strong wind from the English back into southwest forced the Catholic fold and fleet to sail to end the attacks of English pirates on their shipping north and colonies in into the AmericasNorth Sea.
Elizabeth== How was the Spanish Armada destroyed? ==Medina-Sidonia tried to regroup his ships and withdraw to Spain. This ended Spain's attempt to invade England, I had encouraged English privateersbut it did not end the Armada's problems. At this point, such as Sir Francis Drake the Armada sought only to mount attacks on Spanish targets. Elizabeth sought survive and return to limit the power of Spain . Unfortunately, inclement weather and to secure some of a strong south-western wind meant that the riches ‘of Spanish could not return via the America colonies for her subjectsEnglish Channel. This wind later became known in England as a ‘Protestant Wind.’<ref> HolmesMcDermott, RichardJames. <i>[ f473dc1cecf6852131ce8bd6e86de229 England and the Spanish Armada: The Oxford Companion to Military HistoryNecessary Quarrel]</i> . (OxfordNew Haven, Oxford CT: Yale University Press. 2001, 2005), pP. 214215</ref> The English Queen also supported the Dutch in their revolt against Phillip II. Relations between Spain and England began to deteriorate and by the mid-1580s the two countries were in an undeclared war, that was to last the rest of Elizabeth’s reign. Spain was the richest and the most powerful Empire in Europe and Phillip decided that he would invade England, believing that if he was successful it would help him to secure many of his strategic objectives in Europe. The Spanish presented the Armada as a Catholic crusade and it was partially funded by the Papacy.
===The Spanish Armada=== [[File: Armada 4Command, which could not communicate with Madrid, decided to round the British Isles.jpg|350px|thumbnail|left| A contemporary painting of the Armada]]The launch of the Armada had been delayed several timessailed around Scotland, including once because of a raid by but the English on Cadiznavy continued to harry the Spanish fleet. The Spanish Armada weather was a fleet very unseasonable for that time of 130 ships year, and strong gales and it first left massive storms battered Phillip's fleet. As the port of Coruna in August 1588Armada made their way around Scotland, under they began to lose ships. Many more ships were wrecked on the command west coast of Ireland, and the Duke of Medina Sidonia, survivors were hunted down and killed by natives loyal to the most powerful noble in SpainEnglish crown.<ref> HolmesT. P. Kilfeather. <i>[ Ireland: Graveyard of the Spanish Armada]</i> (Anvil Books, 1967), p. 215167</ref> The fleet was ordered to sail to By the time that the English Channel and transport a large army in Flanders into England. The aim remnants of the Spanish invasion was fleet made it to depose Elizabeth I and to reimpose Catholicism on Spain, over two-thirds of the English peopleoriginal Armada was lost. The fleet was an impressive one and While the Spanish were experiencedArmada's defeat did not end the undeclared Anglo-Spanish War, which would continue until 1604, sailors and navigatorsit made it difficult for Spain to get the upper hand. HoweverEventually, the commander Medina-Sidonia was old and relatively inexperienced and he was to commit mistake after mistakeconflict ended in a stalemate.
== Could Spain have taken England it had successfully landed its invasion force? ==The Spanish fleet despite its numerical advantage did not attack Armada is one of the great ‘ifs’ in history. If the English fleet based at Portsmouth Spanish ships had been able to rendezvous with Flanders' army and instead sailed to Calaistransported it across the Channel, England may have been defeated. The Spanish army under the Duke of Parma was advancing to Calais to be transported to England. However, considered the English navy under Drake and Howard attacked the Armada with fireshipsbest in Europe at this time, and this it was the start composed not only of what became known as the Battle of Grave linesSpanish but also German veterans. The English tactic army was mainly composed of using fire-ships, created panic among the Spaniards local militias and the fleet was broken up into small groups of shipspoorly led and trained. The In a set-piece battle was to last over a week with both sides launching attacks. However, Medina-Sidonia decided to withdraw and this was decisive as it meant that the Spanish army was unable to rendezvous with the invasion army. Drake and the other English commanders were happy to let the Armada sail away from the invasion force. Then a strong wind from the southwest forced the fleet to sail to the north forces would most likely have been victorious and into the North Seadeposed Elizabeth I on land.
Medina-Sidonia could regroup his ships and decided to withdraw to Spain and the attempt to invade England was over. Now the Armada sought only to survive and return to Spain. The inclement weather and a strong south-western meant that the Spanish could not return via the English Channel and this wind became known in kingdom of England as a ‘Protestant Wind.’<ref>McDermott, James. <i>[ England and would have become part of the Spanish Armada: The Necessary Quarrel]</i>Empire. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2005), P. 215</ref> The Spanish Command, which could Phillip II did not communicate with Madrid decided plan to round rule it directly but planned to place a Catholic on the British Islesthrone. The Armada sailed around Scotland but all the while was harried by the English fleetPhilip wanted an ally that would become dependent on Spain. The weather was very unseasonable for that time defeat of years the Armada prevented this from happening and secured the fleet independence of Phillip II was battered by gales and stormsEngland. As the Armada made their way around Scotland the suffered many losses. Many more ships were wrecked on the west coast of Ireland and the survivors were hunted down and killed England's victory allowed her to become a major world power by natives loyal to the English crowneighteenth century.<ref>T. P. Kilfeather. <i>[ Ireland: Graveyard of the Spanish Armada]</i> (Anvil Books, 1967)Holmes, p. 167257</ref> By the time that the remnants of the Spanish invasion fleet made it to Spain over two-thirds of the original Armada had been lost. The undeclared Anglo-Spanish War did not end with the defeat of the Armada but was to continue until 1604 and ended in a stalemate.
===England’s salvation===The Spanish Armada is one of the great ‘ifs’ in history. If the Spanish ships had been able to rendezvous with the army of Flanders and transported it across the Channel, then it is quite likely that England would have been defeated. The Spanish army was considered to be the best in Europe at this time and it was composed not only of Spanish veterans but also German veterans. The English army was mainly composed of local militias and was poorly led and trained. In a set piece battle, on land, it seems likely that the Spanish would have overcome the English and deposed Elizabeth I. The kingdom of England would have become part of the Spanish Empire. Phillip II did not plan to rule it directly but planned to place a Catholic on the throne and they would have been the ally and dependent of the Spanish. The defeat of the Armada prevented this from happening and it secured the independence of England and allowed her to become a world power by the eighteenth century.<ref> Holmes, p. 257<dh-ad/ref>
===The What impact did the defeat of the Spanish Armada and Religion=have on Catholics in England? ==[[File: Armada 2.jpg|390px|thumbnail|left|English fireships attacking Spanish vessels at the Battle of Grevellines]]Phillip II wanted to return England to Catholicism. If the Armada had been successful , then it seems likely that a Catholic king or queen would have been placed on the throne. They would have had the power to overturn the Protestant establishment in the country. No longer would the Church of England be by the state church , and once again , the Catholic Church would have been the only recognized religion in the realm.  Phillip II believed that it was right for a monarch to ensure religious conformity in their kingdom. It seems most likely that the The new Catholic monarch probably would have persecuted Protestants in much the same way as Mary I had during her reign. Now while With Catholicism re-established, this could have hobbled Protestantism in England.  By the 1580s, the Church of England was supported by most English people, and they would have been made resisted any attempt to reimpose the state religion this Catholic faith. Still, England would not likely have seen suffered a series of Religious Wars similar to France in the end sixteenth century. However, the Armada's failure meant that the Church of England was now more secure than ever before. Increasingly, the English people began to see themselves as Protestant people. They saw Protestantism in Englandas an integral part of Englishness and important for their freedom. Many English people became even more anti-Catholic after the Armada. ‘Popery’ as they referred to as Catholicism, was associated with autocracy, intolerance, and slavery. This anti-Catholicism was an important aspect of English political life for many years.<ref>Bridgen, Susan. <i>[ New Worlds, Lost Worlds: The Rule of the Tudors, 1485–1603]</i>. New York, NY: Viking Penguin, 2001), p. 115</ref>
By On the 1580s the Church of England was supported by most other hand, English people and they would have resisted any attempt to reimpose the Catholic faith. It seems likely that Catholics faced an increasingly difficult life in England would have suffered a series of Religious Wars similar to France in after the sixteenth centuryArmada's destruction. HoweverCatholics, known as ‘recusants, the failure of the Armada meant that ’ refused to recognize the Church of England was now more secure than ever before. Increasingly, the English people began to see themselves as a Protestant people. They saw Protestantism as an integral part of Englishness came under official and important for their freedom. Many English people became even more anti-Catholic after unofficial pressure to conform to the Armada. ‘Popery’ as they referred to Catholicism was associated with autocracy, intolerance, state religion and slavery. This anti-Catholicism was an important aspect of English political life for many yearsgive up their faith.<ref>Bridgen, Susan. <i>New Worlds, Lost Worlds: The Rule of the Tudors, 1485–1603</i>. New York, NY: Viking Penguin, 2001), p. 115234</ref> It is arguable that the main losers in the Armada apart from all those who died in the conflict were Even loyal English Catholicsbecame suspect, and as a result, more and Catholics converted to Protestantism.
After the Armada, Catholics known as ‘recusants’ because they refused to recognize the Church of England came under official and unofficial pressure to conform to the state religion<ref> Bridgen, p. 234</ref>. Even loyal Catholics became suspect and as a result, more and Catholics converted to Protestantism. By the end of the Elizabeth's reign of Elizabeth, England was a Protestant nation, with only a small and oppressed Catholic minority. The Armada had played an important role in this process. Phillip II had attempted to overturn the religious settlement in England , but his attempted invasion only strengthened it. The England's people of England began to see themselves in providential terms and in biblical terms as an ‘elect nation’ nation.’ <ref>Krishan Kumar. <i>[ The making Making of English national identity]</i> (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003), p. 45</ref>. They believed The English began to believe that they were chosen by God to carry out his will and this gave them a new-found confidence. This sense of mission was one that was very important crucial in later decades and was an important factor in the growth of English power, especially in the seventeenth and eighteenth centurycenturies.
===Did the defeat of the Spanish Armada turn England as into a naval power=? ==
[[File: Armada One.jpg|250px|thumbnail|left|Sir Francis Drake]]
It has often been stated that the Armada's defeat of the Armada ended the Spanish superiority at sea and was the beginning of began England’s rise as a global naval power. This was not the case. The year following the defeat of the Spanish Armada defeat, the English monarch launched the ‘English Armada.’<ref>Bridgen, p. 135</ref> This was a naval attack on Spain but it was heavily defeated with great English losses. Madrid changed its strategy and a series of fortifications were built in the Americas that gave greater protection against English and other privateers. The fact remains that Spain after the defeat of the Armada remained the premier maritime power outside China. However, the defeat of the Armada did lead to long-term changes that were to prove very important in the rise of England as a naval power. There was a recognition, after the attempted Spanish invasion that the English needed a strong navy and successive English administrations pursued policies that helped to expand the navy and develop new technologies and ‘modern shipyards.’ <ref>Holmes, p. 217</ref> As a result, in the wake of the Armada, the kingdom became an important naval power.
If the Spanish Armada had been This was a success then it seems likely that the naval attack on Spain was heavily defeated with substantial English would not have been able to successfully plant colonies losses. Madrid changed its strategy, and a series of fortifications were built in North America. In the early seventeenth century, Americas that gave greater protection against English colonies were found at Plymouth Rock and Jamestownother privateers. If Spain, after the Spanish had placed one of their candidates on the throne of England then this may never have occurred. The defeat of the Armada saw England emerge as, if not a dominant naval remained the premier maritime power but an important one, that had the means to establish colonies and to trading companies such as the East India Company<ref>Holmes, p. 256</ref>. Its naval capability was in the long-term to directly to lead to the growth and development of the British Empireoutside China.
=However, the Armada defeat did lead to long-term changes that proved to be very important in England's rise as a naval power. After the attempted Spanish invasion, there was a recognition that the English needed a strong navy, and successive English administrations pursued policies that helped to expand the navy. England focused on developing new technologies and building ‘modern shipyards.’ <ref>Holmes, p. 217</ref> These changes laid the groundwork for England's naval power.  Additionally, if the Spanish Armada had been a success, it is improbable that England would have successfully plant colonies in North America. In the early seventeenth century, English colonies were founded at Plymouth Rock and Jamestown. If the Spanish had placed one of their candidates on England's throne, this might never have occurred. The Armada's defeat saw England emerge as, if not a dominant naval power but an important one, and the principal colonizer of North America. Additionally, English trading companies such as the East India Company expanded across the globe.<ref>Holmes, p. 256</ref> England's naval capability directly led to the British Empire's growth and development. ==Conclusion===The defeat of the Armada was a major turning point in English history. It saved the throne of Elizabeth I and guaranteed English independence from Spain. The Spanish saw the invasion as a crusade and one that would stamp out the heresy of Protestantism in England. The failure of the invasion meant that Protestantism became more entrenched and less sympathetic to Catholicism. Indeed, in the aftermath of the Armada, Protestantism became part of the national identity. To be English was to be a Protestant and to reject Catholicism.  The attempted Spanish invasion led to the adoption of an anti-Catholic discourse, known as Popery , and this was an important factor in English political life for over two centuries. The Armada did not end Spanish maritime supremacy , but it did lead to England becoming a formidable naval power. This allowed it to found colonies and trading companies in the early seventeenth century that were to lay the foundation for the British Empire's foundation.{{Mediawiki:British History}}====References====<references/><div class="portal" style="'float:left; width:8535%;"'>====Related Articles====
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